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Leon Trotsky was an MI6 agent since 1918,

American intelligence documents reveal


Trotsky’s activities for the MI6, which began as early as 1918, paved the way for the semi-successful assassination attempt against Lenin, the Japanese occupation of Sakhalin.


The History of the USSR & the Peoples’ Democracies

Chapter 2, Section 7 (C2S7) 


Saed Teymuri


A person in military uniformDescription automatically generated



Trotsky was no doubt an agent of the MI6 since the early days of the October Revolution. Several pieces of evidence when placed together prove this fact. According to a March 1918 US intelligence document sent to President Woodrow Wilson:

Lockhart ... was in daily touch with Trotsky…. (Enclosure, Gordon Auchincloss to Woodrow Wilson, March 16, 1918. In: “Gordon Auchincloss to Edith Bolling Galt Wilson”. In: “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, Vol. 47, March 13 - May 12, 1918, p. 59. From: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda) (IMG)

Another US intelligence document more than a month later added:

Lockhart, who has always been a keen supporter of Trotsky, now seems to think the latter is losing his influence. (Enclosure, Edward Mandell House, London, April 27, 1918. In: “From Edward Mandell House”, New York, April 29, 1918. In: “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, Vol. 47, March 13 - May 12, 1918, p. 465. From: University of Virginia, Rotunda) (IMG)

Thus far it has been established that Lockhart, the top MI6 operative in Russia, (1) established close contacts with Trotsky, and (2) was keenly supporting Trotsky. There is more to this. Trotsky himself actively served the interests of the British Empire knowingly and directly during the Civil War. Among Trotsky's activities for the MI6 and against Soviet power was the fact that Trotsky advocated the British occupation of the territory that justly belonged to the Soviet Union. As noted by an April 1918 US intelligence memorandum,:

It is to be noted that the British Embassy requested this Government to send a warship to Murmansk about two weeks ago. The Department is informed that the original landing of the British at Murmansk was made with the full consent and approval of Trotsky. (Enclosure: MEMORANDUM: American Warship for Murmansk, Frank Lyon Polk to Robert Lansing, April 2, 1918. In: “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, Vol. 47, March 13 - May 12, 1918, p. 226. From: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda) (IMG)

Some may argue that Trotsky was merely seeking to exploit inter-imperialist rivalries by getting British assistance against the German forces. This point by these critics is fundamentally wrong for two reasons: (1) back then, the imperialist Germans, who sought peace with USSR so to move troops from the Eastern Front to the Western Front, were less of a threat to Soviet power than the Anglo-American Allies who had invaded the USSR to re-install the warmongering anti-German regime of Kerensky or the Tsar. Furthermore, the balance of power was already against the German imperialists and in favor of the Anglo-Americans. In such conditions, German imperialism favoured strategic partnership with the progressive classes – including the proletariat that ruled the Soviet Union – so to regain the upper hand in the War. (2) Somewhat more obviously, the USSR and the Germans had already signed the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk a month prior, on March 3, 1918; the Germans were already moving troops to the Western Front and hence were no longer a threat. When the German imperialists were no longer a threat, there was no justification whatsoever for receiving the ‘aid’ of the British imperial rivals of the German imperialists. It thus logically follows that Trotsky's expression of concern about the German 'threat' was merely a cover for his activities on behalf of the MI6 and against Soviet power. As late as three weeks after the March 3, 1918 Brest Litovsk treaty, the top MI6 official Lockhart remarked: 

On March 27 I had a very satisfactory discussion with Trotsky, who again mentioned the possibility of allied troops being sent via Siberia to Russia. Trotsky confirmed the remarks made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and said that Russia would welcome help from the allied countries, now that she is involved in a life and death struggle, even if to obtain this help it should become necessary for the socialist forces to fight in cooperation with the army of the imperialists. Provided that the allies would give guarantees on certain points and that other allied forces were present he thought there was no objection to the use of Japanese troops. I do not doubt that it is more than possible to come to an arrangement in this question, but in order to do so we must act with caution. (Enclosure 4: PARAPHRASE of telegram from Mr. Lockhart,  Bruce Lockhart, Moscow, March 28, 1918. Italics original. In a US intelligence report to Robert Lansing, April, 2, 1918. In: “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, Vol. 47, March 13 - May 12, 1918, p. 245. From: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda.) (IMG)

From here, Trotsky's collaboration and service to - not only the MI6 but also - the Japanese imperialist aggressors can be clearly observed. By the time the peace deal with Germany had been established, there was not even the slightest strategic reason for the Anglo-Franco-Japanese-American alliance to occupy the Soviet territory as ‘counter-weight’ against the German ‘threat’ because Germany was no longer a threat. Trotsky could not have missed this fact; yet, a traitor as he was, he advocated the occupation of Soviet territory by the Japanese imperialists. The loss of Sakhalin to Japan was ‘thanks’ to him. On April 18, 1918, the infamous British imperial leader Lord James Balfour wrote to Lord Reading:

Of late a very significant change has come over attitude at any rate of its ... Trotsky towards Allies. For sometime past he has begun to show signs that he recognises that co-operation with Allies in a war to free Russia from German domination is the only hope either for Russia or revolution or possibly for maintenance of his own power. Opinions differ as to Trotzsky’s honesty but he is evidently a man of decision and of late, whatever may be motives, he has not only curbed anti ally tone of Bolshevist Press but he has approved of allied co-operation at Murmansk and has suggested that British naval officers should assist in restoring discipline in Black Sea Fleet. (Arthur James Balfour to Lord Reading, London, April 18, 1918. In: “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, Vol. 47, March 13 - May 12, 1918, p. 245. From: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda.) (IMG)

On May 1918, Trotsky once again demanded the Anglo-American-led coalition assistance for his position in the struggle against the Lenin faction, under the pretext and cover of receiving aid against the Germans:

In recent reports from our representative at Moscow you will have noticed a most important change in the attitude of Trotsky, as described in these telegrams, and an even more noticeable alteration in Mr. Lockhart’s estimate of the position. The embarrassment in which Trotsky now finds himself is caused by his belief, for which there is only too much foundation, that the Allies even if asked to intervene would not be ready to give him help for a long time, while Germany is in a position to make an immediate attack. His enemies would be able to crush him completely before his friends had been able to put even one division ashore in the Far East. (Enclosure 2: PARAPHRASE OF TELEGRAM FROM MR. BALFOUR TO LORD READING - MAY 10TH, 1918, Handed to Robert Lansing from Lord Reading, Washington, May 11, 1918. In: “The Papers of Woodrow Wilson”, Vol. 47, March 13 - May 12, 1918, p. 607. From: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda.) (IMG)

As can be seen, Trotsky was (1) closely in contact with the top MI6 operative Lockhart, (2) was supported by the top MI6 operative Lockhart, (3) and promoted the British imperial occupation of the territory of the USSR so that he, a loyal agent of fascist reaction, may succeed in the factional conflict against the agents of Soviet power. Trotsky was an agent of the British Empire. Some would argue that, based on the above evidence, Trotsky was indeed treasonously collaborating with the MI6 but that treasonous collaboration with an intelligence service does not mean being an agent of that organization and that rather it only means treasonous partnership!

Such a remark, however, demonstrates an idealistic misunderstanding of intelligence service work. Intelligence services do formally have command structures but in practice such command structures are loosely implemented. Instead, in practice, intelligence services work like partnership networks as opposed to rigidly-enforced command structure networks. The reason for this is explained by the invincible theses of the historical materialist science.

The laws of historical materialism dictate that the power of an intelligence agent is derived from the amount of historical-material factors at the disposal and under the control of the intelligence agent. The more an agent has historical-material forces under his/her control, the more the agent has 'bargaining chips' and leverage in their collaboration with the intelligence service they serve and hence the more power the agent has in the intelligence service network. An ordinary terrorist guerrilla carrying out military operations for the MI6 listens to and accepts the orders of his/her superordinate officers in the MI6 not as much because MI6 protocols dictate such, but more so because the MI6 protocols are enforced by the fact that superordinate MI6 officers have more historical-material forces at their disposal whereas the ordinary terrorist has only a few grenades and guns. By contrast, a major country's Minister of Defense who becomes an agent of the MI6 would have far more historical-material forces at his disposal and thus can potentially have even more power than the MI6 officer that would formally act as his superordinate officer. This is why Trotsky being a partner, a willing accomplice, and a treasonous collaborator with the MI6 does indeed objectively make him an MI6 agent. Throughout the rest of his life, as shall be seen, Trotsky never really defected away from the MI6 but merely extended his intelligence activities to also serve secret services that were allied to the MI6, such as American intelligence and Nazi German intelligence. 

Assisted by Trotsky, the MI6 was able to launch an assassination attempt against Lenin, almost murdering him. The British landed troops in Murmansk, an area close to Arkhangelsk. Trotsky’s approval of the British invasion of Murmansk in northern Russia assisted the MI6, especially Trotsky’s boss Lockhart, in its plot to assassinate top communist leaders including Lenin. The BBC reported:

In late May, the British decided to send a small military force to Archangel in northern Russia.

The official line was that the troops were going to prevent thousands of tonnes of British military equipment, supplied to the Russians, from falling into German hands.

However, documents from the day suggest that plans were later drawn up for these 5,000 British troops to join forces with 20,000 crack Latvian troops who were guarding the Kremlin but could, it was thought, be turned against the Bolsheviks.

In the summer of 1918, Lockhart sent a telegram to London following a meeting with a local opponent of the Bolsheviks called Savinkov.

It read: "Savinkov's proposals for counter-revolution. Plan is how, on Allied intervention, Bolshevik barons will be murdered and military dictatorship formed."

Underneath that telegram is a note bearing the signed initials of Lord Curzon, who was then a member of the British War Cabinet.

It says: "Savinkoff's methods are drastic, though if successful probably effective, but we cannot say or do anything until intervention has been definitely decided upon."

(‘Did Britain try to assassinate Lenin?’, BBC, Mike Thomson, March 19, 2011) (IMG)

The ‘Bolshevik barons’ included Vladimir Lenin, against whom there was an assassination in the summer of 1918. The person who plotted to murder Lenin was a Social Revolutionary. Lenin was severely wounded, and was about to die, but ultimately, survived. It is a well-known fact however, that the assassination plot damaged Lenin’s body enough to cause his death in 1924, only at the age of 53.


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